My pet and me - Ataxia UK

My pet and me

Post Published: May 1, 2024

After the amazing presentation about assistance dogs from Dogs for Good at our Annual Conference in October 2023, we thought it would be interesting to hear from the ataxia community about what benefits and support they gain from their pets. In this article, Dawn, one of our Helpline volunteers, has very kindly written about what her dog means to her.

As I have got older, my Episodic ataxia has got worse. Causing many new symptoms and challenges. At 58 life is really “Interesting.”

My husband & I decided to get a pet, a dog. I found a litter of rottweilers, very local. Knowing these were my husband’s favourite breed, I also know that if we went to see the litter, that we would be bringing one home. I was right, that’s exactly what happened.

Bubbles joined our family, and was a great asset, the grandchildren loved her. As did we. However, it wasn’t long before I had an “episode.” During the episode Bubbles, laid nose to nose with me…. This went on EVERY time I had an episode. Eventually she began knocking into my knees, it took a while to realise that she was doing this just before I went into an Episode, giving me time to call my Husband for help. It was due to her being a self-appointed assistance dog, that I started taking her out with me.

Bubbles and I go to church, shopping, holidays, meals out and concerts (non-amplified music). None of this would have been possible without her training with “ROTE” “Rottweilers Only Training Essex”. I have had many different breeds of dog, but training a rottweiler has been so different. They are so clever and bright.

When we go out, people cross the road when they see a rottweiler coming towards them, which makes me sad. so many don’t get to see the precious gem of a dog that we see and know she is. The breed is so misunderstood, but they make amazing pets, companions, and self-appointed service dogs.

Do you have a personal experience with a pet that helps you cope with ataxia? Let our team know!
We’d love to share your story with the ataxia community. Please contact

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