All About Ataxia - Ataxia UK

All About Ataxia & All About Ataxia PLUS

All About Ataxia is an information seminar that gives anyone affected by ataxia (patients, carers/family members) information about the clinical and practical implications of living with ataxia. They explain what is known about ataxia, how it may progress, and what can be done to mitigate its effects.

Our All About Ataxia PLUS series takes the same format as All About Ataxia but explores topics such as Gadgets, Aids & Adaptations, Exercise & Movement and Your Mental Health more in depth. 

Our seminars take place over Zoom - all you need is a computer, tablet or phone with a camera and internet connection.



& All of our sessions are facilitated by volunteers who all have a lived experience of ataxia


To find out more about our seminars and how to book, please click on the seminar of interest below.



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